Tuesday, January 28, 2020

How the Characters React Towards the Shooting of Candys Og Essay Example for Free

How the Characters React Towards the Shooting of Candys Og Essay The way the characters react towards the shooting of Candy’s dog reveals a lot abut the characters that we might not have expected. Carlson offers to shoot the old dog, complaining many times of the smell. The shooting of Candys dog shows the callousness of Carlson and the reality of old age and infirmity. Carlson typifies the men George describes as â€Å"the loneliest guys in the world†. He is outwardly friendly, but essentially selfish. He finds the smell of an old dog offensive so the dog must be shot. He shows very little regard to the dog’s owner, Candy. He relentlessly pursues the dog’s death, more for his own comfort than to put the dog out of its misery. However, Steinbeck does show some sympathy in Carlson, when he suggests â€Å"he won’t even feel it†, referring to Candy’s dogs death. This is contrasted to Candy’s procrastination to put this event off when he says â€Å"maybe tomorra, Le’s wait till tomorra† Steinbeck displays that Candy is trying to delay the put down of his dog and his reluctance to end his dogs life shows how much he loves the animal. â€Å"Carlson had refused to be drawn in† this suggest that Carlson is determined and not to be put off. When Carlson brutally keeps after candy, candy’s reaction is described in the adverbs Steinbeck has used: â€Å"uneasily,† â€Å"hopefully,† â€Å"hopelessly,† and the way candy reacts: â€Å"Candy looked for help from face to face.† When he reaches out to Slim for help, even Slim says it would be better to put the dog down. Slim is portrayed as serene and a good listener/observer in this novel, and when Steinbeck suggests â€Å"the skinner had been studying the old dog with his calm eyes† – referring to Slim, it suggests that he had been very thoughtful about the whole incident and even showed his understanding and considerateness when he reminded Carlson to take a shovel, so Candy will be spared the glimpse of the corpse. â€Å"I wisht somebody’d shoot me if I get an’ a cripple† are the words Slim uses that Candy later echoes when he considers his own future. This perceptibly puts Candy in deep thought, it shows Candy’s realisation of his own mortality when Slim states this. The dog, in this case tells us something of the owner. When Steinbeck shows the dog nearing the end of its days it could show that candy was too. Also Steinbeck employs irony by saying that he wanted someone to ‘shoot’ him when he got ‘old’ and ‘crippled’ which he almost is. Slim also reassures Candy when he says â€Å"you can have a pup if you want to†. When Candy finally gives in and allows Carlson to shoot his dog, it shows the reader that candy wants to be over and done with and wants his dog a swift and painless death. There is some empathy shown when Carlson says â€Å"come on boy† to soften the blow for the dog and more so Candy. Once Carlson has taken the dog to shoot, Steinbeck builds the tension within the characters just before the dog is killed. â€Å"George followed to the door and shut the door† – this proposes George’s kind nature and sympathy towards Candy and his dog- this could be one reason as to why George did not give an opinion on whether Candy’s dog should be shot. When George offers â€Å"anybody like to play a little euchre† it is evidently shown that George is trying to change the topic and he doesn’t want to worry Candy about the dog, this makes the reader see George taking people’s emotions into account before his own, we also saw this earlier in the book when George stands up for Lennie. We see this again when George â€Å"ripple the edge of the deck nervously† this shows that he is also concerned about the whole situation. It is evident that whit also showed concern indirectly when he says â€Å"what the hell is taking him so long†. When Steinbeck repeats â€Å"a minute passed, and another minute† he purposely extends the sentence which is a reflection as it prolongs the moment. And then when Steinbeck says â€Å"the silence came into the room. And the silence lasted.† Steinbeck employs short length sentences which make the moment seem longer and intensify the significance of that specific time. After â€Å"the shot sound in the distance† we are told that Candy â€Å"slowly rolled over and faced the wall and lay silent†, this reaction suggests that candy tried to bravely take in what just happened by turning his back to it and attempting to keep unruffled. The use of short sentence shows us that initially after the shot, there were no comments by anyone which implied that it left them in shock and the realisation of what just happened was slowly sinking in everyone’s head. Steinbeck’s employment of repetition of conjunctions with ‘and’ lengthens the sentence at the end, expanding the climax of the scene, as the audience wants to know what happened to Candy, after his most beloved companion has gone. Carlson even cleans his gun in front of Candy after the deed is done, this reinforces his brutal character. While it may be true that killing the dog put it out of its misery, little concern is shown for Candys feelings after a lifetime of caring for the dog. Now Candy is like the rest of them — alone.

Monday, January 20, 2020

The story of Saint Catherine Laboure Essay -- social issues

The story of Saint Catherine Laboure Saint Catherine personally worked no miracles, nor did she practice externally heroic charity like other great saints. She sprang from upper middle class parents among the meadows and vineyards of Burgundy, France. Her father was an educated man and an excellent farmer living in the village of Fain-les-Moutiers not far from DiJon. Her sanctity consists in half a century of faithful service as a simple Daughter of Charity. Catherine was born of Peter and Louise Laboure on May 2, 1806. She was the ninth child of a family of eleven. The day after her birth she was baptized on the feast of the Finding of The True Cross. Even the feast of Catherine's baptism was prophetic, because Catherine was to find the cross in every turn of her life, and to have deep devotion for it, and to see a mysterious vision of the cross. When Catherine was nine years old, her saintly mother died. After the burial service, little Catherine went to her room, stood on a chair, took our Lady's statue from the wall, kissed it, and said: "Now, dear Lady, you are to be my mother." On January 25, 1818, Catherine received her First Holy Communion. From that day on she arose every morning at 4:00 a.m., walked several miles to church in order to assist at Mass, and to pray. One day she had a dream in which she saw an old priest say Mass. After Mass, the priest turned and beckoned her with his finger, but she drew backwards, keeping her eye on him. The vision moved to a sick room where she saw the same priest, who said: "My child, it is a good deed to look after the sick; you run away now, but one day you will be glad to come to me. God has designs on you - do not forget it." Later, she awoke, not knowing the significance of the dream. Sometime later, while visiting a hospital of the Daughters of Charity, Catherine noticed a priest's picture on the wall. She asked a sister who he was, and was told: "Our Holy Founder Saint Vincent de Paul." This was the same priest Catherine had seen in the dream. In January of 1830, Catherine Laboure became a postulant in the hospice of the Daughters of Charity at Catillon-sur-Seine. Three months later she was again in Paris, this time to enter the Seminary at the Mother House of the Daughters of Charity. Shortly after she entered her new home, God was pleased to grant her several extraordinary visions. On thr... ...d any praise and promise so she fled from it. She wanted to be left alone to carry out her humble duties as a Daughter of Charity. For over forty years, she spent her every effort in caring for the aged and infirm, not revealing to those about her that she had been the recipient of our Lady's medal. The Sisters with whom she lived held her in the highest esteem, and each one longed to be her companion. In 1876, Catherine felt she would die before the end of the year. Mary Immaculate gave Catherine leave to speak and break the silence of forty-six years. Catherine revealed to her Sister Superior that she was the sister to whom the Blessed Mother appeared. On December31, 1876, Saint Catherine passed on to the hands of Mary, this time, however, in heaven. Today her beautiful remains still lie fresh and serene. When her body was exhumed in 1933 it was found as fresh as the day it was buried. Her incorrupt body is encased in glass beneath the side altar at 140 Rue du Bac, Paris, beneath one of the spots where our Lady appeared to her. In the Chapel of the Apparition you can gaze upon the face and the lips that for forty-six years kept a secret, which has since shaken the world.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Cloud Computing Research Paper Essay

Introduction Cloud computing is the answer for â€Å"affordable† business technology platforms. It is a more affordable solution for media content than any other medium, and this is why Netflix, Amazon.com, and Apple are among the leaders in cloud usage and development. Ultimately cloud computing will be the primary way data services are accessed by businesses and consumers alike. Marston, Li, Bandyopadhyay, Zhang, and Ghalsasi 2009 conclude cloud computing offers companies the opportunity to deploy cutting edge IT services without the enormous upfront costs that deter so many organizations from making the investment in infrastructure. Now that affordable solutions are becoming more readily available it is likely that more small and medium sized businesses will try and streamline their IT services. Small and medium sized businesses will likely be attracted to billing features that only charge for actual usage, as opposed to a flat fee. This format of doing business seems confusing on its surface, which led Kamra, Sonawane, and Alappanavar 2012, to compare Cloud Computing to Municipal Water Departments. Cloud Computing can be explained using a simple example. Many decades ago people used to go to their well to get the water needed to live their lives, nowadays things are different. Municipalities have placed water taps at every door step, so you can turn on and use the service as needed. Cloud computing is the same concept. You do not need to build a Water Plant to have water in your home, and now businesses do not need a massive computer lab to run their IT Services. Microsoft, Google, and Amazon provide a cloud to their customers, business partners and employees that allows services to be provided on a 24/7 basis. Discussion A perfect example of cloud computing would be Yahoo.Com and Gmail.Com e-mail addresses. As recently as seven years ago Microsoft Outlook was a program installed on the hard drive of your computer that helped to facilitate your incoming and outgoing e-mails. Now â€Å"web-based† or â€Å"cloud mail† is what 99% of the people using computers use for e-mail services. A company will be able to use cloud services on a per usage, or metered basis. This is the future of computing and the majority of new services in the future will be based around this type of technology, which leads us to the importance of network uptime and availability. Ambrust et, al 2010, suggest that just as large ISPs use multiple network providers so that failure by a single company will not take them off the air, we believe the only plausible solution to very high network availability is multiple cloud computing providers used simultaneously. I agree wholeheartedly with this concept and this is how Facebook became the powerhouse of a company that it is today. In both the movie â€Å"The Social Network†, and the book â€Å"The Accidental Billionaires†; Mark Zuckerberg, is described as â€Å"convinced† that a network outage as short as one day could irreversibly unravel the entire company. Facebook is revered as an incredibly stable platform. While I do not have inside information with regard to Facebook’s cloud computing strategy, I believe it is a very easy assumption to make that they have multiple ISP and Cloud sources to ensure platform availability. As another example a company like Amazon.Com which has no retail presence, depends entirely on the uptime of their network and website, a disruption of a few hours in service could cost the company millions of dollars in lost sales opportunities. Multiple back up Internet Service Providers is a must. Conclusion Aljabre 2012, suggests the concept of cloud computing in business may sound ideal and easy to implement, but like all new technology being introduced in to a business with an IT system already in place has both negative and positive aspects. Aljabre uses Amazon.com as his example of a company that has successfully utilized this technology. Amazon has 80 million customers, and 17 thousand employees, and has a need for cloud access at the highest possible level. Amazon has a mission critical need for many different people, both employees and customers alike to be able to access the internal network for employees and the website itself for both sellers and buyers. Aljabre considers Amazon to be the number one company on the planet with regard to cloud utilization and the success of the company and high regard for its network stability is a testament to how much cloud computing has advanced in the short time it has been implemented. Virginia Watson Ross 2010 believes today’s organizations are being tasked with finding ways to minimize costs, while their computing and data needs grow, cloud computing is a viable option to consider. With its economy of scale and high performance assets, it has the potential for meeting increased organizational computing and data management needs., and surges in demand, while minimizing costs. The challenge is to determine what factors drive a company’s decision makers to choose or not to choose to employ cloud computing to meet organizational needs. The advantages of cloud computing include cost savings, meeting computing needs, reliability, and centralized security functions. This will lead to overall lower costs, improved information handling, and greater convenience for end users. All of these advantages make cloud computing worth considering. References Marston, Sean R., Li, Zhi, Bandyopadhyay, Subhajyoti, Ghalsasi, Anand and Zhang, Juheng, Cloud Computing: The Business Perspective (November 23, 2009). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1413545 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1413545 Armburts, Michael. â€Å"A View of Cloud Computing.† Communications of the ACM 53.4 (2010):50. Aljabre, Abdulaziz. â€Å"Cloud Computing for Increased Business Value.† International journal of business and social science 3.1 (2012):234. References Ross, Virginia W. â€Å"Factors influencing the adoption of cloud computing by decision making managers.† Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms, (2010). :2021. Kamra, Varun. â€Å"CLOUD COMPUTING AND ITS PRICING SCHEMES.† International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering 4.4 (2012):577.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Romantic Era - 1008 Words

A new approach to literature and art that rose in late eighteenth century was the beginning of the Romantic Movement. This was the first time poets and authors were able to strive for originality. The Romantic era was more open to mythic, mystic and spirituality than the enlightenment era had ever been. William Blake was a romantic poet. Romanticism was a movement, which was marked primarily by its rejection of the enlightenment ideologies and scientific methods, as well as its emphasis on the natural world, emotions, artistry and the personal expression. Growing up Blake`s childhood was dominated by spiritual visions which influenced his works and personal life. As a little boy he said he had seen a tree filled with angels. He was a†¦show more content†¦Strong super natural elements are found in â€Å" The Chimney Sweeper† when an angle coffins with the golden key redeeming the chimneysweeper. In 1794 Blake`s work Song of Experience, offers a set of companion pi eces that talk about the identical subject matters with a more experienced and knowing perspective. Blake wrote these two individual pieces to show his audience two completely different perspectives in the understanding of God, love and justice as an innocent child in Song of Innocence and as an experience grow adult in Song of Experience. Instead of looking at these poems a characterizing them in two dueling categories such as good vs. evil. We need to realize that both innocence and experience are important elements that have become separate from each other. We need to realize that both are needed to complete each other, much as male and female. Romantic poets had a strong way in which they showed their emotional expression; Blake used repetitious phrases in order to be able to highlight his emotions. In the Poem â€Å"London† which was written in the series â€Å"Song of Experience† he describes the metropolitan area of the city of London and its citizens. Blake tries to give his readers imagery, he does this by using specific markers in London, this makes his poetry seem powerful. An example of this is when he uses the Thames River to represent a sense of life to the busy city of London. Blake wrote London in order to show corruption in the city that have been created byShow MoreRelatedThe Romantic Era1550 Words   |  7 Pages The Romantic Era was one of the most artistically influential eras in recent history. Artists were fueled by their inner romantic and creative emotions rather than the more sinister tormented geniuses of the past. Their works were full of drama, love and death. The performing arts in particular were flourishing; ballet was truly taking off. 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Though the Romantic Era occurred over 200 years ago, its characteristics are an intrinsic part of today’s culture and society. The Romantic Era was well know for attributes such as the feelings of intense emotion, individuality, imagination, and an ardour for the natural realm. The Romantic Movement aimed to overthrow the ideas of logic and order that Neoclassicism, the era proceeding Romanticism, had stood for and replace themRead MoreThe Leid in the Romantic Era1415 Words   |  6 Pagesthe name defines an era and a genre. A rare composer whos symphonic works represent the best legacy of the classical tradition, while his songs define German lied and exemplify the height of romantic lyricism. Schubert’s success with lied began with his masterpiece, Gretchen im Spinnrade. Written in the early romantic era, the year 1814. 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There were many eras of Ballet such as Ballet de Court (1600’s) and Ballet de action (1700’s). The 19th Century in particular saw a significant development in Ballet as part of the Romantic Era. Following the French Revolution (1789-1799) there was a new social enlightenment and opportunity for people push boundaries, break social norms and challenge morals and ideas. This massive shift in society saw the beginning of the Romantic era; a period in which writers, poets, artistsRead MoreTaking a Look at the Romantic Era1107 Words   |  4 PagesRomantic Era Romanticism was brought to life around 1780 and thinned out around 1850. During this age romantic thought and imagination was chosen over reason, emotions, logic, intuition, and science. The late 18th century was a perfect era for romanticism. During this time period it spread wildly through the countries of Europe, the United States and Latin America and touched the pens of so many writers. Romanticism gave a type of feeling that made a lot excited or enthused to write and expressRead MoreThe Contributions Of The Romantic Era And Romanticism1107 Words   |  5 Pagessociety. The Romantic Era or Romanticism took place during the late 18th century to the late 19th century focused on following people’s hearts more than their minds. These time periods played a key role in shaping the society we know and live in today. Elon Musk said it best when it came to the Enlightenment, â€Å"Really, the only thing that makes sense is to strive for greater collective enlightenment.† The Enlightenment was based on reason, common sense, and freedom. During this era, many philosophers